1. Free cPanel Web Hosting with PHP5/Mysql - no advertising! Register now: www.000webhost.com We can offer you a free web hosting package packed with advanced features for hosting & building professional dynamic websites. We provide secure free web space with all the web hosting tools you could possibly ever need. Our package includes: - 1500 MB of Disk Space, 100 GB Bandwidth - Host your own domain (http://www.yourdomain.com) - cPanel Powered Hosting (you will love it) - Over 500 website templates ready to download - Easy to use website builder - Free POP3 Email Box with Webmail access - FTP and Web based File Manager - PHP, MySQL, Perl, CGI, Ruby. - And many more.. Click here to visit us: www.000webhost.com

    cPanel is a Unix based web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a web site. cPanel utilizes a 3 tier structure that provides capabilities for administrators, resellers, and end-user website owners to control the various aspects of website and server administration through a standard web browser.

    In addition to the GUI interface, cPanel also has command line and API-based access that allows third party software vendors, web hosting organizations, and developers to automate standard system administration processes.

    cPanel is designed to function either as a dedicated server or virtual private server. The latest cPanel version supports installation on CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL), and CloudLinux. cPanel 11.30 is the last major version to supportFreeBSD.

    Application-based support includes Apache, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Perl, andBIND (DNS). Email based support includes POP3, IMAP, SMTP services. cPanel is commonly accessed on port 2082, with an SSL-secured server operating on port 2083.

    Once installed, cPanel cannot be removed (without extreme difficulty). The server must be formatted, and the operating system reinstalled. Similarly, it should only be installed on a freshly installed operating system with minimal prior configuration.

    History of cPanel 

    cPanel Inc. is a Texas corporation with primary offices located in Houston. The software was originally designed as the control panel for Speed Hosting, a now-defunct web hosting company. The original author of cPanel, John Nick Koston, had a stake in Speed Hosting. Web King quickly began using cPanel after their merger with Speed Hosting. After Speed Hosting and Webking merged, the new company moved their servers to Virtual Development Inc. (VDI), a now-defunct hosting facility. Following an agreement between John Nick Koston and VDI, cPanel was only available to customers hosted directly at VDI. At the time there was little competition in the control panel market with the main choices being VDI and Alabanza. cPanel 3 was released in 1999; its main features over cPanel 2 were an automatic upgrade and the Web Host Manager (WHM).

    The interface for cPanel 3 was improved when Carlos Rego of WizardsHosting made what became the default theme of cPanel. Eventually due to internal problems between VDI and John Nick Koston, cPanel split into two separate programs called cPanel and WebPanel. WebPanel was the version run by VDI. Without the lead programmer, VDI was not able to continue any work on cPanel and eventually stopped supporting it completely. John Nick Koston kept working on cPanel while also working at BurstNET. Eventually Nick left BurstNET on good terms to focus fully on cPanel. cPanel has since been updated and improved over the years.
  2. With OpManager, you will be the first to know of any security threat to your network. Be it an unauthorized user activity, or an outside intrusion, OpManager Network Monitoring catches it all.

    The network security administrators are left to face many threats to the network security from the external world and also from within. The Firewall security events such as intrusion detection, virus attacks, denial of service attack, etc., anomalous behaviors, employee web activities etc, provide a wealth of information on potential threats. Even a small compromise can prove costly to the business. Ability to visualize enterprise security and detect security compromises is a essential component of a Network Monitoring solution.

    Syslogs - Log monitoring as a means of ensuring security, is incomplete without monitoring the syslog, the events of Unix-based systems such as Linux, Solaris, HP,UX, IBM AIX, and other devices supporting syslog like routers, switches etc. Seasoned administrators monitor Syslogs to keep a tab on unauthorized authentications, user activity, network connections, critical system or application failures, etc all.

    Firewall logs - The network security administrators are left to face many threats to the network security from the external world and also from within. The Firewall security events such as intrusion detection, virus attacks, denial of service attack, etc., anomalous behaviors, employee web activities etc, provide a wealth of information on potential threats. Even a small compromise can prove costly to the business. Ability to visualize enterprise security and detect security compromises is a essential component of a solution to Monitor Network.

    Netflow - While it is ideal to take the required measures to prevent an attack, a means to get the acts together even when a damage is done is needed to ensure there are no further attacks. It is no secret that perpetrators of malicious attacks find new means to gain entry into corporate networks, making them the biggest targets. Irrespective of the size of an enterprise, such attacks are unaffordable in terms of financial implications and data compromises. Detecting the onslaught of any virus attack or worm attack and getting to the root of the problem becomes necessary. The network administrator must be able to watch for the spikes and predict the trend. This paves way to get to the source from which an attack originates and nail down the problem.

    Alerting Mechanism - OpManager alerting is characterized by its real time alerting capabilities in addition to maintaining a alert history. OpManager Network Monitoring proactively checks for faults in a network by querying the devices periodically, listens for traps from devices, and also processes the system logs to generate corresponding OpManager alerts. Threshold based alerting aids in quicker resolution time.

    Alerting Pull and Push modes - A Network Monitoring system must be able to proactively seek out faults by talking to the network resources (the pull mode) and must also be capable of receiving or listening to fault messages from the resources (the push mode). Receiving and processing SNMP traps, converting the log messages on various Network Monitoring systems into application alerts etc, facilitates fault management from a single console.

    Monitor Network with Network Monitoring Tools 

    Businesses depends on their networks for data, communication, and supportive functionalities. Delayed performance and outages can affect the rear end line of your business. Monitor Network continuously makes you to locate problems and fix them earlier than they escalate. Network Monitoring is a decisive IT function saves money in network performance, employee productivity and infrastructure cost overruns. It is used to monitor an internal network for problems.

    With the help of this process one can find out and support resolve snail-paced webpage downloads, lost-in-space e-mail, suspicious user activity and file delivery originated by overloaded, crashed servers, dicey network connections or other devices. This pertains to the activity of administering the functioning of a computer network by making use of specific tools. These Tools are utilized to make sure the availability and overall performance of hosts and network services.

    This Tools are competent of tracking and reporting failures of devices or connections. This Tools generally measures out the processor utilization of hosts, the network bandwidth utilization of links, and other aspects of operation. It will oftentimes send messages over the network to each host to test its response to requests. If any failures, unacceptably slow response, or other unexpected activity is perceived, these Tools send out alerts to selected locations to inform system administrators.

    With all the elaborated data that is traced out and collected on everyday, elaborated and complete reports are created without complications and also can be utilized by the management team and associates to aid enhance the corporate and strategic planning, budgeting process and formulation, and also enhance your regulatory compliance efforts.​ Monitor and resolve network outages quickly, troubleshoot performance bottlenecks and get the visibility you need to be in control of your network.

    This functionality can make certain that your computer systems and applications are running with efficiency. Monitoring makes the job of assigning tasks and achieving goals much easier since you can work around the downtime. Another benefit is it initially gauges your bandwidth and resource consumption through your utilization and as a outcome, it improves the productivity of your network.

    There are few types of tools available to Monitor including the tools used for ping, bandwidth monitoring, network device and node discovery, process and activity monitoring, port monitoring, security monitoring and so on. This tools might be employed at wide range areas from a simple home based to corporate network.

    Instant accesses to the troubleshooting tools help isolate a fault quickly and embark on the actions needed to resolve a fault as early as possible. There is a collection of OpManager Network Monitoring helps perform the first and second level troubleshooting based on the nature of the network fault. Thirty day trial version is also available for your convenience.
  3. Cisco 2911/K9,Series Integrated Services Routers, designed to power the next phase of branch-office evolution, deliverhighly secure connectivity with multiservice integration that can transform the workplace with a broad set of integrated services, rich-media support, and operational excellence. best for small to medium enterprise with high performance, offers embedded hardware encryption acceleration, voice- and video-capable digital signal processor (DSP) slots, optional firewall, intrusion prevention, call processing, voicemail, and application services. 

    2911/k9 Details

    Enclosure Type Rack-mountable - modular - 2U

    Data Link Protocol Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet

    Network / Transport Protocol IPSec, L2TPv3

    Routing Protocol OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, EIGRP, DVMRP, PIM-SM, static IP routing, IGMPv3, GRE, PIM-SSM, static IPv4 routing, static IPv6 routing, policy-based routing (PBR), MPLS, Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD), IPv4-to-IPv6 Multicast

    Remote Management Protocol SNMP, RMON, TR-069

    Features Firewall protection, VPN support, MPLS support, Syslog support, IPv6 support, Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing (CBWFQ), Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED), Web Services Management Agent (WSMA), NetFlow

    Compliant Standards IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3ah, IEEE 802.1ah, IEEE 802.1ag, ANSI T1.101, ITU-T G.823, ITU-T G.824

    Power AC 120/230 V ( 50/60 Hz )
    Dimensions (WxDxH) 43.8 cm x 30.5 cm x 8.9 cm

    Weight 8.2 kg

    About Security & Voice


    Embedded hardware-accelerated VPN encryption for secure connectivity and collaborative communications Integrated threat control using Cisco IOS Firewall, IOS Zone-Based Firewall, Cisco IOS IPS, and Cisco IOS Content Filtering 

    Identity management using authentication, authorization, and accountingand public key infrastructure

    Advantages Of employing An Integrated Service Router  

    There are distinct advantages to using an integrated service router. The biggest advantage is that you don't require to purchase any added hardware to handle different functions. This gives you better control on the network, plus better security. For example, setting up a firewall on an integrated service router eliminates setting up of a separate firewall server, or enabling the DHCP services eliminates the usage of a computer as a DHCP server. In addition, you can administer a wired and wireless network with an integrated service router.

    Ideally, an integrated service will also do encryption and decryption, which adds an extra point of protection to your network. Another advantage of an integrated service router is that you can have a cable modem and a DSL input or you can have several input channels. A DSL channel can be devoted to incoming traffic and another for streaming outgoing traffic.

    Usage of an integrated service router makes sense if you have a large network or you are connecting manifold networks on it. If a office has a local area network, a wide part network, and internet connections, an integrated service router will make sense to suit their requirements. Alternatively, it will be apposite where you have a network depending on the internet and you want to control and defend your internal network from hackers and viruses.

    Turning on the firewall services adds a coating of safety for your network. In addition, you don't need to install policies on your network clients, as the router will not allow a customer access to an illegal site. What an integrated services router provides to a small or medium sized business is faultless connectivity to the internet.

    The integrated services router provides a number of services that in a conventional network setting would have required extra hardware. Computers, IP phones all share a single protected network by using an integrated services router. Therefore, at a small charge, a company can get manifold services from a single box.

    This also makes running a network much easier. The integrated services router sets up multiple dedicated channels to provide flawless connectivity. Therefore, the local area network can have a variety of devices on it using both wired and wireless connections and interact within the network and to outer networks. Network administrators are aware of the problems faced in setting up multiple device networks and supporting them.

    Assigning IP addresses, maintaining firewalls and providing high-speed network connectivity and security used to be a nightmare. If any tool went down, the full network would be disrupted. For smaller organisations, network management has traditionally been a difficulty. However, now with the integrated services router, these problems have been eliminated. Future loads on the network of any organisation regardless of the size are going to increase.

    Therefore, the dependency on a trouble-free network is also going to increase. Therefore most firms will want to invest now in the future rather then be left behind. In addition, the dependency on different pieces of hardware, and their up gradation and maintenance has to reduce. Integrated service routers make networks more pliant and trusty.

  4. These days, enterprise applications are increasingly critical for delivering top and bottom line results from greater business process automation, and Internet users are consuming huge amounts of IP-based media such as music and video. As a result, both corporate and service provider networks are getting larger and more redundant networks to ensure traffic can be delivered. Unfortunately, complexity is also growing fast, causing traditional network management technology to hit its limits in ensuring high performance application and service delivery. The reason: IP is inherently unpredictable.

    IP's distributed routing intelligence makes it efficient and at the same time unpredictable. IP routing protocols automatically calculate and manage traffic routes or paths between points in the network based on the latest known state of network elements. Any changes to those elements cause the routing topology to be recalculated dynamically. While this keeps IP networks highly resilient in case of network failures, it also creates endless variability in the active routing topology. A large network can be in any one of millions of possible active routing topology states. In addition, application traffic patterns are by nature unpredictable. Network problems - router software bugs, misconfigurations, hardware that fails (often after exhibiting intermittent instability) - can add to that unpredictability.

    The sheer dynamism of IP routing and traffic poses severe network management challenges. A good example is troubleshooting: when a user or customer reports a problem that isn't caused by an obvious hardware failure, the root cause of the problem can be very difficult to pinpoint in a large, redundant network. For starters, the engineers troubleshooting the problem typically don't know the path the traffic took through the network, and as a result don't know the relevant devices and links in the path that carried the traffic, and whether those links were congested at the time of the problem. Without that basic information, troubleshooting can be reduced to a guesswork-based hunt and peck process.

    Marketing Agency Is the Route to Elevated Google Rankings

    When it comes to having a successful website, Google holds the key to traffic. An experienced search marketing agency is the best way to grab Google's attention. Of course there are other important sources of web traffic, including social networking sites like Facebook, and any properly planned internet marketing strategy needs to account for all the variables, but search engines like Google are the primary drivers of web traffic. Especially targeted web traffic -- where visitors are actively interested in seeking something out. Targeted traffic is particularly important to businesses, since they want the people who land on their website to be interested in buying a product or a service. Having someone go to their site quickly and immediately click away doesn't do much good.

    Ending up on page 116 of Google's search results when potential customers are trying to find a business like yours is not likely to result in many sales. Most people don't bother clicking through the first few pages of results, let alone going all the way to the last page. Working with an experienced search marketing agency is the best way to elevate your search engine rankings and to increase the volume of targeted traffic reaching your website. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't so easy to achieve. Five or ten years ago, scattering your website with key words might have resulted in a boost, but search engines are more sophisticated. Tools needed to ferret out the optimal key words are often proprietary and placement of key words is much more critical now. Not to mention the fact that amateur website design and key word placement can make a website look unprofessional. The shotgun approach simply doesn't work.

    To achieve real results with an internet marketing campaign it's more important than ever to engage the services of a proven SEO agency. Choose a company that specializes in the field, with a history of success. The agency should be committed to working closely with you, determining your goals, undertaking a holistic analysis of your website and researching your competition before presenting a strategic plan to enhance your site. The company should work with you throughout the campaign, providing progress reports and ongoing updates of your website's analytics in order to adjust the strategy if needed.

    When done right, SEO can result in lasting success with search engine results, including higher Google search rankings. This, in turn, will lead to a higher volume of targeted web traffic -people who actually want to be on your site and are interested in your products.
  5. Scroll On How To Make Linklist (List of links) Blogspot
    For those of you who want to make a scroll in his Linklist can follow the following steps:
    • From the dashboard page, click the Layout - Edit HTML
    • Tick ​​the Expand Widget Templates. 
    • Then find the code type = 'Linklist' (use the Control F or F3). 
    • Notice the code underneath it, like this:

    Add the style = 'overflow: auto; height: 200px' after content', so it becomes like this


     A scroll is a roll of papyrus, parchment, or paper which has been written, drawn or painted upon for the purpose of transmitting information or using as a decoration.

    A scroll is usually divided up into pages, which are sometimes separate sheets of papyrus or parchment glued together at the edges, or may be marked divisions of a continuous roll ofwriting material. The scroll is usually unrolled so that one page is exposed at a time, for writing or reading, with the remaining pages rolled up to the left and right of the visible page. It is unrolled from side to side, and the text is written in lines from the top to the bottom of the page. Depending on the language, the letters may be written left to right, right to left, or alternating in direction (boustrophedon).

    Some scrolls are simply rolled up pages; others may have wooden rollers on each end: Torah scrolls have rather elaborate rollers befitting their ceremonial function.

    Scrolls were the first form of editable record keeping texts, used in Eastern Mediterranean ancient Egyptian civilizations.

    Parchment scroll used by Israelites after Sinai was the first use of scrolls in the recording of literature before the codex or bound book with pages was invented by the Latins in the first century AD to differentiate their usage from that of the Judeans who were recently conquered. Nevertheless, scrolls were more highly regarded than codices until well into Roman times where they were usually written in single latitudinal column.

    The ink used in writing scrolls had to adhere to a surface that was rolled and unrolled, so special inks were developed. Even so, ink would slowly flake off of scrolls. If the ink from too many letters is lost, a Torah scroll is no longer used.
  6. Buddy never confused Checks Outstanding Website in Google with the Keyword Specific? for example there buddy SEO contest, now my friend was curious about the website buddy how ya are in position in the SERP with certain keywords, nah mate not not confused, my friend can use the tool below (please see link below): 

    Check website position in Google with the Keyword Specific


    Keywords are the words that academics use to reveal the internal of an author's reasoning. While they are used primarily for rhetoric, they are also used in a strictly grammatical sense for structural composition, reasoning, and comprehension. Indeed, they are an essential part of any language.

    There are many different types of keyword categories including: Conclusion, Continuation, Contrast, Emphasis, Evidence, Illustration and Sequence. Each category serves its own function, as do the keywords inside of a given category.


    PageRank is a link analysis algorithm, named after Larry Page and used by theGoogle web search engine, that assigns a numerical weighting to each element of ahyperlinked set of documents, such as the World Wide Web, with the purpose of "measuring" its relative importance within the set. The algorithm may be applied to any collection of entities with reciprocal quotations and references [related to webpages]. The numerical weight that it assigns to any given element E is referred to as the PageRank of E and denoted by

    The name "PageRank" is a trademark of Google, and the PageRank process has been patented (U.S. Patent 6,285,999). However, the patent is assigned toStanford University and not to Google. Google has exclusive license rights on the patent from Stanford University. The university received 1.8 million shares of Google in exchange for use of the patent; the shares were sold in 2005 for $336 million.

    The value of incoming links is colloquially referred to as "Google juice

  7. See the title must have known what the purpose ....

    okay do not need stale swapped again I'll share some sites that can direct auto submit our web or blog belongs to us, than we bother to submit to some search engines do we better use this site to submit your site. here's a site that direct auto submit:

        1. http://viralinviter1.com/submit/ [approximately 140url]
        2. http://www.fric.nl/ [approximately 100url]
        3. http://www.selbourne.com/misc/se-submission/index.php [approximately 50url]
        4. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/4229/url_search_submit.html [approximately 21url]
        5. http://www.freewebsubmission.com/ [certainly a lot of you know]
  8. Can anyone give som short info about how to configure netflow on two 6500?
    In short I believe this is the way to do:
    1. enable netflow on interfaces I want to collect information from... (eg.
    interface Gi1/0)
        ip route-cache flow
    2. configure where to send netflow data:
        ip flow-export <ip-address> (and som other options)

    An example from cisco.com:

    configure terminalinterface serial 3/0/0 ip route-cache flow exit
    ip flow-export 0 version 5 peer-as
    This is it?
  9. Wireless is a cordless technology, in this case is to have telecommunications using electromagnetic waves instead of cables. Nowadays wireless technology is growing rapidly, by naked eye can be seen with increasing number of cellular phone usage, but it also develops wireless technology used for internet access. Wireless LAN using elektromagetik waves (radio and infrared) to perform data communication channel data from one point to another point without going through the physical facility. This connection uses a specific frequency to deliver the data, most of Wireless LAN using the 2.4 GHz frequency. Frequency is called the Industrial, Scientific and Medical Band is often called the ISM band, as described above. In some products this equipment with the ability to use PCMCIA Card 11 mbps. There is often a misunderstanding here. Referred to 11 mbps here is the ability to perform maximal Card a transmission, you could say the maximum number of upstream and downstream tools. This capability is not always able to walk as it is called 11 mbps earlier, if we calculate the loss will occur at least about 50%, so the tool is capable of transmitting data 5.5 mbps. This can be done if we use a point-to-point, meaning that on both sides using the same equipment. When you've done a point-to-multipoint, there will be a significant reduction, Multipoint here is analogous to the hub, so more and more connected with the multipoint there will be a decreased ability to transmit data. In a device that uses Multipoint Wireless LAN 11 Mbps or sometimes called Access Point, can accommodate approximately 32 individual users, but when connected is a LAN network as well, there will be a decrease in the ability of at least half, so a maximum of a Base Transceiver System (BTS) is getting 16 users from the LAN. This ability can be decreased if the BTS performed ... bandwidth such as 128 kbps, then the data distribution capability of the BTS would be reduced anyway.
  10. A very good news for Network Administrators using Cisco 3K switches on their network and for administrator who are going to procure new Cisco 3K series. Let us start with networks which already have Cisco 3K switches.

    In the past, we used to get a lot of emails and support calls to check if NetFlow export is supported in Cisco 3K series switches we had to unfortunately say “No”. So, tracking user-specific traffic on the network which has only layer 3 switch as a Cisco 3K series becomes impossible. Since there will be Proxy server or Firewall located after the Cisco 3K switch, which actually changes the Internal IP into NAT-ed IP and the edge router reports only the NAT-ed IP on the Analyzer report.

    This problem can be solved with newer software IOS upgrade on Cisco 3k and 2900 series catalyst switches. The IOS version is 12.2(58)SE and supported platform are (3750-X, 3560-X, 3750-E, 3750G, 3560-E, 3560G, 2960, and 2960-S ). This IOS upgrade will enable NetFlow export which is different
    from normal NetFlow export from Routers and other layer 3 Switches. I hope all are aware of NSEL(NetFlow Secure Event Logging) export from ASA , something similar to this is supported in this IOS version (12.2(58)SE) which is called Cisco Smart Logging and Telemetry (SLT).
    Source :